Disease 1. “Globalism and Strategism”
Symptoms: lack of attention to detail and process - focusing only on the result and major milestones
How it is diagnosed: identifying such a patient is very simple - he constantly proudly repeats that the main thing in any project is only the result, regardless of the process. Intermediate control points, clearly defined tasks, written agreements, are all unnecessary, useless and meaningless bureaucracy that complicates its strategic work.
What threatens: chaotic workflow and, as a result, inefficient work with unpredictable results. The patient notices strange things that are not amenable to his logic: on the one hand, he does everything “competently” and “does not waste time on bureaucracy,” on the other hand, the team often does the opposite, also with delays.
How it is treated: in order to fulfill the direct task of the manager - to discipline the team and teach it to work on the process, you need to learn how to do it yourself: take the initial data, register them, discuss with the contractor and make sure that he understands correctly. Over time, the manager can weaken control, but only if he sees that the team is consistently coping with the tasks.
Disease 2. “squandering team time”
Symptoms: problems with priorities, inability to value other people's time and time
How is it diagnosed: the patient considers his project the most important in the company and, accordingly, sincerely considers almost all of his tasks “urgent” and “important”. At the first examination, the doctor discovers that 80% of the patient’s tasks are in fact non-urgent and unimportant.
What threatens: this is one of the most common and most dangerous diseases, since it affects not only the project team, but also other employees of the company, who are wasting their time. The more such managers are in the team, the less efficient is the organization as a whole.
How it is treated: very hard - mainly with conversations and practical work with prioritization. The explanations that the time it takes to complete the task and the time it takes to complete the task are two different things, and therefore you need to approve the implementation time with your colleagues and be aware that the time it takes can be significantly different from the time it takes to complete the task.
It is also necessary to clarify that instead of “taking a minute” to tear off a person 10 times a day, you can get together at a set time once a day and discuss all current issues in 15 minutes.
Disease 3. “I am responsible for everything and it’s easier for me to fix it myself”
Symptoms: hyperresponsibility and the desire to plug all the holes in the production process
How is it diagnosed: the patient spends a huge amount of time on a small project, while the situation does not improve over the long term. Upon closer examination, it turns out that the patient has been spending a lot of time on a detailed check of incoming production materials for a long time, since “he is responsible for the result” and “cannot trust the project team”.
What threatens: in its worst manifestation, the disease leads to mutations: the patient gradually mutates from a manager to a universal executor - takes over most of the production functions, as a result of which the work efficiency on the project is greatly reduced and the project becomes economically disadvantageous.
How to treat: close monitoring of work and mentoring. The patient does not understand the essence of the manager’s work: the ability to provide a high-quality result with the hands of performers, and not with his own.
Disease 4. Life according to the concepts of "zone"
Symptoms: on the project from time to time, “problems” pop up that the patient has not been able to solve for a long time at the team level, but which he hasn’t reported to the management all this time
How it is diagnosed: the patient chronically does not want to bring the problems to the upper level of management for their subsequent solution under the pretext that he "merges" and "knocks" on a colleague - hence the name of the disease.
What threatens: local and system failures in the company. There is a simple Japanese rule: "The problem is opportunity." If an organization does not solve its problems from time to time, it does not improve its processes and product, and therefore does not increase its competitiveness. Thus, the lack of an operational solution to problems means in the medium and long term the loss of market share against the backdrop of growing competition.
How to be treated: conversations and oral suggestions. It is important to constantly talk with the patient about why it is important for the organization to solve any emerging problems, to repeat that our goal is not to search for the guilty, but to identify the root causes and combat them.
Disease 5. Communicative dysfunction or “Let me tell you everything from the very beginning”
Symptoms: a lot of time is spent explaining problem situations
How it is diagnosed: the patient considers it his duty to spend a huge amount of time in order to chew the problem in more detail. Beginning from afar, the Vedas
Symptoms: lack of attention to detail and process - focusing only on the result and major milestones
How it is diagnosed: identifying such a patient is very simple - he constantly proudly repeats that the main thing in any project is only the result, regardless of the process. Intermediate control points, clearly defined tasks, written agreements, are all unnecessary, useless and meaningless bureaucracy that complicates its strategic work.
What threatens: chaotic workflow and, as a result, inefficient work with unpredictable results. The patient notices strange things that are not amenable to his logic: on the one hand, he does everything “competently” and “does not waste time on bureaucracy,” on the other hand, the team often does the opposite, also with delays.
How it is treated: in order to fulfill the direct task of the manager - to discipline the team and teach it to work on the process, you need to learn how to do it yourself: take the initial data, register them, discuss with the contractor and make sure that he understands correctly. Over time, the manager can weaken control, but only if he sees that the team is consistently coping with the tasks.
Disease 2. “squandering team time”
Symptoms: problems with priorities, inability to value other people's time and time
How is it diagnosed: the patient considers his project the most important in the company and, accordingly, sincerely considers almost all of his tasks “urgent” and “important”. At the first examination, the doctor discovers that 80% of the patient’s tasks are in fact non-urgent and unimportant.
What threatens: this is one of the most common and most dangerous diseases, since it affects not only the project team, but also other employees of the company, who are wasting their time. The more such managers are in the team, the less efficient is the organization as a whole.
How it is treated: very hard - mainly with conversations and practical work with prioritization. The explanations that the time it takes to complete the task and the time it takes to complete the task are two different things, and therefore you need to approve the implementation time with your colleagues and be aware that the time it takes can be significantly different from the time it takes to complete the task.
It is also necessary to clarify that instead of “taking a minute” to tear off a person 10 times a day, you can get together at a set time once a day and discuss all current issues in 15 minutes.
Disease 3. “I am responsible for everything and it’s easier for me to fix it myself”
Symptoms: hyperresponsibility and the desire to plug all the holes in the production process
How is it diagnosed: the patient spends a huge amount of time on a small project, while the situation does not improve over the long term. Upon closer examination, it turns out that the patient has been spending a lot of time on a detailed check of incoming production materials for a long time, since “he is responsible for the result” and “cannot trust the project team”.
What threatens: in its worst manifestation, the disease leads to mutations: the patient gradually mutates from a manager to a universal executor - takes over most of the production functions, as a result of which the work efficiency on the project is greatly reduced and the project becomes economically disadvantageous.
How to treat: close monitoring of work and mentoring. The patient does not understand the essence of the manager’s work: the ability to provide a high-quality result with the hands of performers, and not with his own.
Disease 4. Life according to the concepts of "zone"
Symptoms: on the project from time to time, “problems” pop up that the patient has not been able to solve for a long time at the team level, but which he hasn’t reported to the management all this time
How it is diagnosed: the patient chronically does not want to bring the problems to the upper level of management for their subsequent solution under the pretext that he "merges" and "knocks" on a colleague - hence the name of the disease.
What threatens: local and system failures in the company. There is a simple Japanese rule: "The problem is opportunity." If an organization does not solve its problems from time to time, it does not improve its processes and product, and therefore does not increase its competitiveness. Thus, the lack of an operational solution to problems means in the medium and long term the loss of market share against the backdrop of growing competition.
How to be treated: conversations and oral suggestions. It is important to constantly talk with the patient about why it is important for the organization to solve any emerging problems, to repeat that our goal is not to search for the guilty, but to identify the root causes and combat them.
Disease 5. Communicative dysfunction or “Let me tell you everything from the very beginning”
Symptoms: a lot of time is spent explaining problem situations
How it is diagnosed: the patient considers it his duty to spend a huge amount of time in order to chew the problem in more detail. Beginning from afar, the Vedas
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